• presenting and promotion of results of a multinational multi-professional interdisciplinary cooperation within the framework of natural medicine at domestic and international forums
  • education and fostering education, promotion of quality practice of medical professions using knowledge from medical and non-medical scientific fields, importance of integration of professional interdisciplinary medical and non-medical collaboration and use of latest biotechnologies and software and data systems directly in medical practice, in order to optimal healthcare delivery and protection, promotion and development of health
  • implementation and participation in study programs, professional events, conferences, scientific symposiums, lectures, seminars, discussions, workshops and other appropriate activities of formal and informal multidisciplinary education within natural medicine, promotion of quality education of professionals and patients in and outside the healthcare system,
  • support of international promotion of creation of standards for the provision of healthcare and of protection, promotion and development of health based on a comprehensive interdisciplinary and multi-level care (i. e. somatic, psychological, social, energy-informational and spiritual level of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and research) based on the best knowledge arising from natural medicine to eliminate health risks
  • encouraging development of standards for formal and informal interdisciplinary training of medical professionals and creation of accreditation criteria on the basis of results of multi-professional and interdisciplinary research and practice within the bounds of natural medicine
  • methodical, consultation and other appropriate assistance to its members in research, scientific, educational and clinical work within the bounds of natural medicine, development of its own editorial and publishing activities, studies, surveys, projects, etc.