The compendium for experts aims to supplement the latest knowledge about efficient methods of prevention, diagnosis, therapy and research of disciplines, methods and technologies that are not so frequent in practice, but have significant preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and research potential. It is primarily oriented on the fields of acupuncture, rehabilitation, sound therapy and neurotechnologies, /cellular language, genetic coding and musical harmony.

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Less Frequent Methods in Acupuncture and in Comprehensive Medicine

Date/Deadline: continuously according to the registered. The date will be announced after registering for the course.
Possibly upon agreement with the mandatorily registered – it is necessary to
fill in the application form for the course
Form of education: combined (in person/online) or only online long distance through the Zoom platform
The number of course participants: 20 – vacancies (in person/online).
Represents 48 hours (2 extended weekends 2 x 24 hours)
Credits: 2 x 24 credits = 48 credits, according to Appendix no. 1 part B. point 3 of the Decree of the Ministry of Health no. 366/2005 Coll. as amended
Course price: One weekend 24 hours 110 € always for one completed course. The simultaneous interpretation of the course.

Emphasis is placed on the application of current scientific knowledge in the field of sound physics and sound therapy, the use of the latest knowledge in neurotechnology in optimizing brain function, the possibility of objectifying the effect of physiatry, balneology and medical rehabilitation in the context of acupuncture as well as linking acupuncture with spiritual therapy and the use of an acupuncture questionnaire in the comprehensive treatment (somatic, mental, the complex level at the same time).
The graduate will receive a confirmation/certificate of completion of the course.

The Course Program EN

This publication was created thanks to international project Erasmus+ „Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Approach to the Treatment of Patients focusing on the use of Less Frequent Methods“ number 2020-1-SK01-KA202-078222 co-financed by the founds of European Union. It reflects only the author´s view and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.